Our Videos
2018 Awards
2018 saw our very first Group-wide award ceremony take place in London. This was our opportunity to recognise our teams for their efforts throughout the year in all of our business units.
2019 Awards
2019 was our second Group-wide award ceremony, and took place at One Moorgate Place in London.
Our values
Listen to our teams talk about our Company values of Challenge Everything, Work Together, Be Kind and Have Fun and how these help guide ourselves and our actions.
Employee testimonials
We are a humble bunch but we are really proud of all that we achieve here at Queensway. Listen to why our teams enjoy working here.
Family Festival 2019
At our heart we are a family business and without the support of our biggest supporters at home to cheer us on we wouldn’t be the high performers that we are when at work. Take a look at how we recognise and thank the families of our teams every year with our family beach BBQ.