About us

As a Charitable Trust our mission is to provide an extraordinary range of cultural, leisure and health related facilities and services that allow local people to live a great life.

We will develop and sustain a thriving and successful culture and leisure business that encourages innovation and expansion to maximise opportunities for our local community.

We are regulated by the Charities Commission and Companies House. Any profits we make are re-invested to continually develop and improve services for the people of East Lindsey.

Magna Vitae is a Partner to East Lindsey District Council which provides significant support for the work we do.

Our Vision

We want to enable more people to be physically and culturally active, more often.

Our Values

Leadership. We will aim to positively influence the community, our customers and our staff to provide and benefit from leisure, culture, arts, recreation and sport activities and facilities operated by Magna Vitae.

Integrity. We will act consistently, honestly and transparently in our dealings with partners, customers, staff and all other stakeholders.

Innovation. We will explore the introduction of new initiatives and seek out new opportunities for the benefit of the district, our customers and our business performance.

Continuous improvement. We will strive to continuously improve in all that we do and deliver, using relevant benchmarks to measure our improvement.

Accessibility. We will take account of the needs of the whole community when designing and delivering our facilities and services.

Customer Focus. We will place the customer at the heart of the design and delivery of our services and facilities. We will respond to feedback and customer complaints in a positive and proactive manner.

Teamwork. We will work with partners, stakeholders, customers and staff to achieve common goals in the best interest of all parties.

Professionalism. We will base our business upon learning, adoption of best practice and reliably delivering to a high standard.

Environmental awareness. We will proactively seek to minimise the impact on the environment of the facilities we manage and the services we deliver.