Inspire people

Our philosophy at Inspire since day one has been to recruit the finest talent and quite literally ‘inspire’ them!  Then, we combine our collective enthusiasm and passion for fabulous food and exceptional service with the freshest, most seasonal ingredients sourced as locally and sustainably as possible from our wonderful larder here in Scotland and the UK.

Alongside fabulous food, our people are the key ingredient in our recipe for success.

Throughout our journey, we are fortunate to have nurtured an excellent core management team who wholeheartedly share a passion for pushing culinary boundaries and tantalising our customers’ taste buds! We are also really proud that we employ over 200 stars in Inspire who shine for us every single day!

Exceeding expectations is at the core of all we do – whether it be for our clients, customers or our staff.

We make sure everyone is clear on the strategy from day one and the part we all play in that. Keeping things simple and ensuring people know what’s
expected of them is pivotal to us delivering what we say we will.
It also makes for a happy team!