Childcare jobs in Derbyshire
Recruiters advertising for Childcare jobs now
Found 10 jobs
Ultimate Holiday Camps - Nationwide
The role of an Activity Instructor is to ensure the welfare and safety of the children on camp and to deliver outstanding, structured activities.
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Want to spend your summer working in the USA as a camp counsellor?
Are you ready to make summer 2025 the best one yet? Get ready for real fun, real travel and real adventure with the real Camp America...
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Become an Au Pair in America - Nationwide
Spend a year in the USA providing childcare, earning money, travelling, studying, and having the adventure of a lifetime!
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SUMMER 2025 - Early Years Leader - Various Mediterranean Resorts
A leader, a grafter, and a holiday fun maker! This sums up our Children's Club Team...
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Sports Programme Development Manager - NottinghamEasy Apply!
You DO NOT have to be working in gymnastics to be considered because this is senior strategic commercial and operational sports development role
Key Stage One Coach (Easter) - Sheffield, South YorkshireEasy Apply!
If you’re looking for an incredibly rewarding way to gain additional experience with children in an out of school setting...
Key Stage One Coach (Easter) - Nottingham, NottinghamshireEasy Apply!
If you’re looking for an incredibly rewarding way to gain additional experience with children in an out of school setting...
Camp Manager (Summer) - Sheffield, South YorkshireEasy Apply!
If you’re looking for an incredibly rewarding way to extend your leadership skills in an out of school setting...
Key Stage One Coach (Summer) - DerbyEasy Apply!
If you’re looking for an incredibly rewarding way to gain additional experience with children in an out of school setting...
Camp Manager (Summer) - Derby, DerbyshireEasy Apply!
If you’re looking for an incredibly rewarding way to extend your leadership skills in an out of school setting...
Camp Manager (Easter) - Sheffield, South YorkshireEasy Apply!
If you’re looking for an incredibly rewarding way to extend your leadership skills in an out of school setting...
Regional Manager (Summer) - Midlands RegionEasy Apply!
If you’re looking for an incredibly rewarding way to extend your leadership skills in an out of school setting...
Regional Manager (Easter) - Midlands RegionEasy Apply!
If you’re looking for an incredibly rewarding way to extend your leadership skills in an out of school setting...
Head of Community Gymnastics Easy Apply!
You DO NOT have to be working in gymnastics and know your 'cast' from your 'roundoff' to be considered because this is senior strategic